
At Complete Building Supplies WA, we feel that people are the most valuable resource in our business. Being a small business, where there are fewer individuals to assume the multitude of roles involved in business operations, it is even more important to recognise quality people skills.

Your company provides an outstanding service for resourcing and delivering critical spares for maintaining our facility, usually at short notice. With over 20 years experience in the construction industry and working in remote locations across Australia, personally I have not found another supplier that can deliver in the same capacity as Complete Building Supplies WA.

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Hi Julie,

Firstly I would like to thank Complete Building Supplies WA for your very generous support , the meat was so fresh something that cannot be obtained on Christmas Island so from all of CI Inter Island Games Committee again thank you all very much.

It was great a day of sport even though the plane couldn’t land and deliver COCOS player we still held the event and did manage to hold the Rugby League game and the conclusion of all events , Winners on the day were for soccer 7,s (CI ALL STARS) for volleyball (CI KUNG FU CLUB) for touch rugby (CI ROBBERS LEAGUE) and for the league game it was the local CI ROBBERS RUGBY LEAGUE team which was split into 2 teams with a final score line of 34 -34 .

We look forward to furthering relationships with CI and CBSWA into the future.

Thanks and Regards

Tim Briggs

Facilities & Grounds Supervisor

CI Maintenance Services